Christine Cork
NVR Association (NVRA) Accredited Practitioner
Christine is an experienced nurse, midwife and health visitor. She has worked in South Bedfordshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for 23 years in both clinical and managerial roles. She has been the Team Lead of a CAMHS Community Outreach Service working closely with schools and GPs providing training and consultation. This service won a national Health and Social Care Award in 2001. She has a MA in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies (2002) from the Tavistock and Portman Clinic, London.
Christine has a special interest in working and supporting parents, foster carers and the wider professional network primarily to develop awareness and understanding of children’s emotional and developmental needs. Non-violent practices are both forgiving and compassionate and allow us all to achieve a way of being within ourselves and with our children despite the often distressing challenges of parenthood.