The Handbook provides additional narrative and theory around the core principles and methods of the approach and their roots in the socio-political arena of the 20th Century. The principles and methods described can be used by practitioners to support any adult who is caring for a young person who is behaving in a harmful or destructive way either within the family, or in settings such as schools, in-patient units and care homes. NVR is not a manualised approach, and this handbook is not designed to tell you how to practise NVR. It is, however, designed to support you in deepening your understanding of the core principles and methods of NVR and in how these can be applied within your work.
The Handbook is divided into 6 sections that correspond with the 6 modules of the training. These are:
Non-Violent Resistance in Context
The concept of New Authority in NVR
Building Parental Strength and Parental Presence
Developing a Support Network
Non-Violent Struggle: Positive Direct Action in NVR
Developing and Sustaining NVR in Your Context
You can find out more about the Foundation Level training & book your place here.
The Handbook is size A4 & 66 pages long.
Please allow 14 working days for your Handbook to arrive.