NVR Training: The NVR Certificate Course

The NVR Certificate Course
The NVR Certificate Course

NVR Training: The NVR Certificate Course

Train with the leading & award-winning provider of Non-Violent Resistance Training for Professionals

Our Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) training course enables participants to develop the core knowledge and skills that are necessary to competently use this intervention for violence, aggression, controlling, destructive and harmful behaviour in the family, school and community.

NVR offers a unique scope and depth of training which ranges from the NVR core model to an integrated approach for working with trauma and with multi-stressed families.

Three steps for NVR Training – Complete The Full NVR Certificate Course:

NVR Training: The Full NVR Certificate course is made up of 3 parts, which can all be booked individually – OR book together and save 20%. This is made up of the NVR Foundation Level, NVR Advanced Level & Coursework. Once all 3 are completed you will receive your Certification. You will also receive a Confirmation of Attendance for successful completion of the Foundation Level (NVRA Level I) & the Advanced Level.

Upcoming NVR Training Courses for Individuals & Small Groups

If you are looking to train a team, we have different options available depending on size, and location. Please contact us for a free no-obligation quote, or send an email to training@partnershipprojectsuk.com.

NVR Foundation Level 1 

Foundation Level - ELM - Start NOW


This course will take place on the eLearning Pod, with an Online (Zoom) Consolidation Day (CD) 

ELM includes: 

  • 8 weeks access to the eLearning Modular course, to complete all 6 online modules. This is supported, it includes optional weekly drop-in ‘Ask the Trainer’ sessions, or you can message with questions at any time. Your registration link will be sent within 3 days of receipt of payment, the link will remain live for 1 year, your 8 weeks of access will start on the day of registration.
  • Online “Consolidation Day”, will be booked upon completion of the online modules.
  • Confirmation of Attendance Certificate for the Foundation Level to be provided once all of the above are completed. This is the equivalent of the NVRA Level 1.

NOTE: Lifetime access to a Digital Copy of the Foundation Level Handbook will be included, if you would prefer a printed copy, this can be purchased here.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section below to learn more about ELM.

Foundation Level - London - September 2025


The London Foundation Level includes: 

  • 4 weeks access to the eLearning Modular course, to complete 2 online modules – these can be completed at your own pace, & must be completed before the 21st August 2025.
  • 2x face-to-face Training Days held in Roehampton London, on 9 & 10 September 2025 (includes refreshments & light lunch)
  • Online Consolidation Day (CD) via Zoom on November 2025 (date TBC)
  • A printed copy of the Foundation Level Handbook
  • Confirmation of Attendance Certificate for the Foundation Level to be provided once all of the above are completed. This is the equivalent of the NVRA Level 1.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section below to learn more, or if you have a question feel free to email rose@partnershipprojectsuk.com.

Foundation Level - Online - March 2025


The Online Foundation Level includes: 

  • 4 weeks access to the eLearning Modular course, to complete 2 online modules – these can be completed at your own pace, & must be completed before the 25th Feb 2025.
  • 2x Online Training Days via Zoom on 4, 5 March 2025
  • Online Consolidation Day (CD) via Zoom on 7th May 2025
  • Confirmation of Attendance Certificate for the Foundation Level to be provided once all of the above are completed. This is the equivalent of the NVRA Level 1.

NOTE: Lifetime access to a Digital Copy of the Foundation Level Handbook will be included, if you would prefer a printed copy, this can be purchased here.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section below to learn more, or if you have a question feel free to email rose@partnershipprojectsuk.com.

Foundation Level - Online - June 2025


The Online Foundation Level includes: 

  • 4 weeks access to the eLearning Modular course, to complete 2 online modules – these can be completed at your own pace, & must be completed before the 13th June 2025.
  • 2x Online Training Days via Zoom on 18, 19 June 2025
  • Online Consolidation Day (CD) via Zoom on 17th Sept 2025
  • Confirmation of Attendance Certificate for the Foundation Level to be provided once all of the above are completed. This is the equivalent of the NVRA Level 1.

NOTE: Lifetime access to a Digital Copy of the Foundation Level Handbook will be included, if you would prefer a printed copy, this can be purchased here.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section below to learn more, or if you have a question feel free to email rose@partnershipprojectsuk.com.

ELM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the new course?

With over a year in the making, we are delighted to be able to offer NVR eLearning Pod (ePod), the first of its kind in the world!  Aimed initially at the English-speaking professional, but with plans to translate and adapt it to a much wider audience, including the use of sign language. 

You can now book our core training course The PartnershipProjects Foundation Level in a unique eLearning Modular (ELM) format.

The standard price of the training will be £425 (+VAT) – which is a massive 25%+ saving on our previous 4-day Foundation Level training.

We also offer group prices, so if you are looking to train your team please contact us for a quote.

How does the training work?
Upon registration, you will receive 8 weeks of access to complete the 6 online training Modules. This can be done at your own pace. As long as you have a good internet connection, this can be done from anywhere! Once all modules are completed, you will be able to book your “Consolidation Day” training, which will take place at least 6 weeks AFTER you have completed the eLearning Modular program (ELM).

An Online “Consolidation Day” which will be hosted live over Zoom is included in the one-off training fee.

Once you have completed your “Consolidation Day” you will receive your Confirmation of Attendance certificate for the Foundation Level (NVRA Level 1), and will be eligible to proceed to the Advanced Level training.

Will I be supported?
Yes! We believe in offering you the best support during your training. You can contact our trainers at any time during the course. Or if you’d prefer to discuss anything with the trainer face to face, we provide an online weekly drop-in session for 2 hours. This is hosted over Zoom. Do let us know of your attendance by clicking on the ‘help’ icon within the ePod and the trainer will expect to meet you and help answer any questions you may have.

What are the benefits of the new eLearning Modular course (ELM)? 
People think of the ‘E’ in eLearning as ‘electronic’. And certainly, it’s electronic. But here are a few more E’s – Everywhere learning, Everyday learning, Engaging learning, Evolving learning…

1. More cost-effective – i.e. cheaper (when everything else is going up, it is wonderful that we can now offer a much more affordable product)!
2. More accessible to teams who struggle to release multiple staff for training at the same time.
3. More effective at producing good outcomes.
4. Fairer – it extends learning to more people and supports individual learning styles and needs.
5. Self-paced & time-efficient.
6. Easily adaptable, yet consistent and always developing.
7. Environmentally friendly and ecologically sound.

What have people said about the training so far?
“In the modules I saw there was a good balance of interaction. Some lessons were shorter, some were longer and I liked this difference”.
“It was very interactive; I liked the flow of it, I liked the different elements – text, videos, links, and tasks I was curious what would be coming next. I really liked seeing the practitioners”.
“It is clearly a very comprehensive training, it is very detailed and interactive.”

When can I start?
You can book your training now. You will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to create your account and start your training. From this point, you will have 8 weeks of access to complete the 6 online training modules. Once completed, we will book your “Consolidation Day” to fully complete the course.

I am not very computer savvy, will help be available?
Yes, we will have a team available to support. However, even if you do not feel computer savvy, the course has been created with the user in mind, so it’s very intuitive and simple for you to easily navigate through the full course.

Once I start do I need to complete it all in one go?
No, the course has been created so that you can start & stop whenever you need a break and it will save your progress. So you can jump back in at the same place you left.

Will I be missing out on anything by doing the eLearning Modular (ELM): Foundation Level, rather than the other training?
No, we have worked very hard to ensure we offer you the best training possible that is the most accessible and accommodating to all of our students. By running the course via our unique eLearning Pod (ePod), we are able to include numerous interactive activities to keep you engaged. Also by ensuring you can work at your own pace through the course structure, we are confident you will continue to receive the first-class training that PartnershipProjects strives to deliver. You will also still participate within a group setting on your “Consolidation Day”. This will take place via Zoom (included in price).

If I do the ELM Foundation Level is it still possible to add on the 12-hour Group Supervision?
Yes, simply include the 12-hour Group Supervision when you place your order, this is priced at £200+VAT, and runs for 2-hour sessions bimonthly. This is highly recommended. Once you have completed the full Foundation Level training we will be in touch to arrange booking you onto a group. If you change your mind and decide to add the supervision at a later date, simply email rose@partnershipprojectsuk.com to arrange to add you to a group.

I still have questions…
No problem, please free to contact us with any queries you may have.

Foundation Level Course Content

Content In-Detail

Foundation Level of Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) – equivalent to NVRA Level I.

Basic principles of NVR as a psychological intervention

By trying to control, care-givers operate within the same’ logic of control’ as the child – control or be controlled. Most violent young people refuse to be controlled. The result is symmetrical escalation (parent and child losing their temper and trying to control each other) or complementary escalation (where the child becomes more and more coercive and powerful, and their parents or caregivers increasingly give in to their demands). This inevitably leaves the adults feeling helpless, disempowered, inadequate, frustrated and desperate. NVR is fundamentally orientated around parents and carers regaining a sense of agency within themselves and towards their child. The primary goal of NVR is the repair and rebuilding of relationships within the family or other social groups the young person moves in, that have been stressed by aggression, violence and other destructive behaviours.

The six cornerstones of NVR

  1. To learn to resist Non-violently: Understanding our own responses to the ideas of violence, Non-violence, and resistance in the context of social differences.
  2. To think about escalation patterns and the logic of control; exploring ways to de-escalate including non-verbal communication and prioritising behaviours.
  3. To raise parental presence; the idea of not giving in and not giving up, creating a sense of belonging and safety for the young person and the
  4. To resist harm and carrying out peaceful protest in response to significant incidents of harmful and destructive behaviour
  5. To build a caring community around each individual family; developing a support network of other adults who show care and support the parents / caregivers as they embed the approach.
  6. To reconcile and repair relationships with young people; developing reconciliation gestures and ways of making amends.

Non-violent principles appear at times ‘self-evident’ – but can be very challenging to put into practice; and at other times they feel deeply counter-intuitive. However, as parents and carers continue to learn to respond to serious family difficulties more effectively within the methodology of NVR, they develop a profound understanding of reconnecting within adult-child relationships and experience the improvement of the young person’s behaviour against this background.

Whilst a number of guiding principles give NVR its structure and help parents and carers develop an understanding of the process, it also allows for individual flexibility and can be adapted to each unique family and care situation.

NVR goes beyond the behaviour to develop a coherent and positive family narrative, and help children form more secure attachment, value and feel valued in their key relationships – even, or especially when the young person refuses to engage in therapy.

NVR Advanced Level Training

Advanced Level - Online - March 2025

ADVANCED LEVEL (All days via Zoom)

4, 5, 11, 12 March 2025  (Days 5, 6, 7, 8 – Training Days)
7, 8 May 2025 (Days 9, 10 – Practice Days)

All days:
9am for 9.30am start.
Finish 4.30pm.
1 hour lunch break

Advanced Level - Online - June & July 2025

ADVANCED LEVEL (All days via Zoom)

2, 3 June 2025

1, 2 July 2025 

21, 22 July 2025

All days:
9am for 9.30am start.
Finish 4.30pm.
1 hour lunch break

Advanced Level - Online - Sept, Oct, Dec 2025

ADVANCED LEVEL (All days via Zoom)

29, 30 Sept 2025

20, 21 Oct 2025 

1, 2 Dec 2025

All days:
9am for 9.30am start.
Finish 4.30pm.
1 hour lunch break

Advanced Level Course Content

Content Summary

Advanced Level – Total 6 Days: Specialist Skills and Knowledge in NVR for Complex Work:

Note: The first 4 days are Training Days and the last 2 days are mandatory Practice Days

Working with multi-stressed families;

  • Activating and working within wider systems in NVR – involving school, local authority, wider family, community and relevant agencies in the intervention;
  • Working with child abuse and attachment: the NVR child focus;
  • Integrating NVR and the treatment of trauma;
  • New adaptations of NVR: self-isolation, anxiety, adult entrenched dependency.

Content In-Detail

Working within wider systems with NVR, especially with multi-stressed families

The second part of the training begins with working in school, with the local authority, wider family and community. Concepts from systemic work with the wider system around the family are integrated with the core NVR concepts and methodology, in order to meet the needs of families that have multi-agency involvement, and need to deal with a multitude of challenges.

We aim to promote a deeper understanding of aggression and externalising behaviour in young people, in general, and especially where there has been a history of trauma and abuse. The specialist training includes an introduction to child focussed work in NVR, in order to help re-sensitize care-givers to unmet need and distress in young people, which is generally obscured by their aggression.

Often, parents in multi-stressed families have been traumatised in life, and become re-traumatised by their child’s violence and aggression. An integration of therapeutic methods that have been developed for trauma, with non-violent methods enables professionals to use NVR as a trauma-focussed approach.

The flexible, creative capacity within the NVR framework is one of its greatest strengths, and allows it to be a continually evolving and interactive method. By bringing the underlying non-violent principles to bear on different situations involving harm and self-damaging behaviour, the methodology can be applied to many areas of difficulty that can seem intractable.

New adaptations of NVR

  • Multi-stressed families
  • Serious attachment problems – in the family, in care or after adoption, where there has been a history of child abuse, violence or neglect
  • Working with parents of young people with social withdrawal, anxiety, OCD
  • Internet addiction
  • Adult entitled dependence
  • Serious and enduring mental health problems
  • Controlling behaviour in couples relationships, domestic violence

How much does it cost?

You can save 20% (up to £370+VAT) when you book The Full NVR Certificate Course altogether. This is made up of Foundation Level, Advanced Level & Coursework Evaluation.

Individual course prices:

Foundation Level:

eLearning Modular (ELM): £425+VAT = £510

Online: £525+VAT = £630

London: £625+VAT = £750

Advanced Level:

6-day course: £825+VAT = £990

(Optional) 12 Hours of
Group Supervision:

£200+VAT = £240 (highly recommended,
find out more)

Coursework & Certification:

£250+VAT =£300 (find out more)

Also available for Group Bookings, contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation & quote.

Email: training@partnershipprojectsuk.com

Why train with us?

What do our Participants say?

Foundation Level

Advanced Level

Venue for In-Person Training

Our in-person training is hosted at the award-winning Elm Grove Conference Centre at the University of Roehampton. This modern venue is just outside central London and easily accessible by car or public transport. There is a free carpark onsite, this will need to be booked in advance. Full details will be provided. Training days will include refreshments and a light lunch. 

Elm Grove Conference Centre
University of Roehampton
Roehampton Lane
London  SW15 5PH
Finding us

There is the option to stay at the training venue in one of their on-site rooms, at much less than normal London hotel rates. For details or to book you can visit the website here.

Who should attend?

Training is open to practitioners in CAMHS, mental health, social care, education, youth justice and the independent sector.

The Certificate Course enables participants to develop the core knowledge and skills that are necessary to competently use this intervention for violence, aggression, controlling, destructive and harmful behaviour in the family, school and community.

NVR offers a unique scope and depth of training which ranges from the NVR core model to an integrated approach for working with trauma and with multi-stressed families.

International ONLINE Group Supervision

NVR supervision is an important part of NVR training, therefore all our Foundation Level training comes with the option of taking part in our ONLINE group supervision at a reduced fee. This takes place via Zoom (which does not require download and can be used on any device such as a mobile phone) and includes:

  • 12 hours of group supervision provision on an audio-visual platform, which will commence approx. 4 weeks after the last day of training.
  • The 12 hours will be split into 6 x 2 hour sessions. These will take place on a prearranged evening, every 2 months. Therefore the ONLINE group supervision will last 12 months.
  • Should you choose the option which includes supervision you will be allocated an ONLINE supervision group and details of how to attend by our Training Coordination Manager on completion of the Foundation training;

Should you choose not to take advantage of our group supervision offer, you will be required to obtain your own supervision on your NVR client practice.

What’s next after completing the Full NVR Certificate Course?

After successful completion of the full course (including coursework completion & evaluation), participants will receive the PartnershipProjects Certificate in NVR Practice.

After acquiring the PartnershipProjects Certificate, you can work with us towards full accreditation with the NVR Association (NVRA) via our Accreditation Module. 


PartnershipProjects is an accredited training provider registered with the NVR Association (NVRA) 

The NVR training provided by PartnershipProjects has been designed for working with individual families.   It is not a manualised group work programme.  The training does not equip anyone to provide NVR Training to other colleagues or professionals within their organisation or agency.  We actively discourage such practice which we feel is both unethical and unprofessional. PartnershipProjects does not provide a ‘train the trainer’ option. All our NVR trainers and facilitators have many years’ experience and hold NVR Association (NVRA)  Accreditation at both practitioner and supervisor level.

All professionals, regardless of previous experience or other non-NVR qualifications, will be required to have completed our Foundation Level (or equivalent training to the NVR Association (NVRA) Level I via another organisation) prior to joining our Group Hybrid and / or Advanced Level training (see training map). Please refer to our ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR FULL DETAILS, which can be found on the individual training pages.



  Entry Requirements

Foundation Level –NVR Association (NVRA) Level 1

This course is tailored to professionals working in local authorities, health, education, social care, and voluntary sector organisations who are interested in supporting individual families who are experiencing Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) using the Non-Violent resistance approach.

Participants who have attended all four days, or completed ELM of the Foundation Level Training will receive an Attendance Confirmation.

Advanced Level – NVR Association (NVRA) Level 2*

*Participation in Advanced Level Training Module AND completing the NVR Association (NVRA) Level qualification by acquiring the PartnershipProjects Certificate in Advanced NVR Practice.

In order to be eligible for the Advanced Level training, you must have completed the PartnershipProjects Foundation Level course or equivalent Level 1 training with a different provider, within the previous 2 years. You will be asked to provide evidence of this by sending in your Foundation Level attendance confirmation.  We recommend a gap of 12 months between the Foundation and Advanced Levels in order to consolidate practice.

Only practitioners with relevant qualifications and experience and who are registered with a professional body such as: HCPC, UKCP, BACP, NMC or GMC will be admitted to Advanced Level training.  Individuals wishing to undertake advanced training who do not hold the relevant professional registration should apply by submitting a covering letter outlining their experience of working with children / young people and their families along with their application.  These practitioners will typically be family support workers, behaviour support practitioners or youth workers with experience of working in statutory or independent sector organisations.

Participants who have attended all six days of the Advanced Level Training will receive an Attendance Confirmation.


Coursework & Certification

Participants who wish to complete the full NVR Certificate Training (level II) must successfully complete both Foundation Level Training + Advanced Level Training and then submit coursework requirements within 12 months of completing the Advanced Training.

The coursework consists of:

  • 2 x 2000 word case studies
  • A reflective log
  • Required reading

For full details about the certification process and the coursework required please see our dedicated information page, where you can download the course guidelines if required.

Fees for evaluation & assessment

Fee: £300 incl. VAT
(This will only be charged in the event that a course participant submits coursework)


Past Certificate Courses

2024 Winter: Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2023 Autumn: Advanced Level – Held

2023 Autumn: Foundation Level in London – Held

2023 Summer: Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2023 Spring: London: Advanced Level – Held

2023 Spring: Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2023 Winter: Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2022 Autumn / Winter: Advanced Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2022 Autumn, London: Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2022 Summer: Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2022 Summer: Extra Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2022 Spring / Summer: Advanced Level – SOLD OUT – Held

2022 Spring, Leeds: Foundation Level – Held

2022 Winter, Foundation Level – SOLD OUT – Held